What Makes Our Brewery in Manchester Unique?

When it comes to beer, Manchester is a city that appreciates quality brews. With the beer scene in Manchester being so competitive, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd, but there are a few things we feel make us truly unique:

Our Commitment to Quality and Consistency

At Brightside, we’re dedicated to brewing consistently high quality beer and are happy to provide help to get the beer flowing. From offering advice on which beers customers may prefer drinking, to giving guidance on full beer dispense setup, we’re here from start to finish to help pubs serve Brightside beer in the best way possible. Our commitment to quality and consistency means whether customers are enjoying a pint at the City Arms in Manchester or sipping on Odin at The Red Fox on the Wirral, they can always have confidence in our beer.

Brightside Stemmed Pint Glass

Our Dedication to Sustainability

Since the very beginning, we have always done our best to work in an eco-conscious way. From sourcing our energy from a clean energy supplier to using insulated brewing equipment, recycling our cardboard and reducing general waste, we’re always seeking to cut our environmental impact.

As part of this, we took part in a research study in collaboration with the Manchester Sustainable Materials Innovation Hub, whose aim was to discern how plastics are used in the brewing industry as a whole, and how to begin to reduce this. Happily, we discovered we were among the lowest consumers of plastic among local brewers, and study findings and advice continue to influence our packaging choices.

Our Inclusive Beer Range

At our brewery, we want to brew good beer for everyone, regardless of dietary needs. Since January 2022, all beer produced at Brightside has been gluten free, and is now also suitable for vegans. This change was driven by conversations with our customers and growing demand for tasty gluten free and vegan beers we saw in the trade.  

We also understand that some people prefer an alternative to traditional alcoholic beers. That’s why we created Nemo, our low-alcohol beer (0.5% ABV) for those who want the beer without the booze. It’s ideal if you’re looking at cutting back on alcohol, or simply prefer a lighter ABV beer. Nemo is just one example of our commitment to providing great beer for everyone.

Our Support in the Community

We’re proud of where we come from, and really appreciate the Greater Manchester community that has supported us as we’ve grown from a tiny brewery in the back of a bakery to the 20 barrel plant that we are today.

To show our thanks, we regularly support local organisations and volunteer groups working in Radcliffe and Greater Manchester. One such example is the Radcliffe Litter Pickers, a group dedicated to keeping the streets of Radcliffe and the surrounding areas clean and litter-free, making our area a better place to live and work. Our donations help support their fantastic work keeping our town clean, and supporting wildlife in our green spaces.

To finish up, whether you’re a local looking to drop by and stock up on our beers or if live further afield, we are committed to ensuring that you enjoy the best beer we can offer.

You can explore our full range of tasty gluten free beers on our website, and we’d love you to stay up to date about new releases and brewery news by signing up for our newsletter or following us on the socials.

Our brewery in Manchester